Category Archives: Music Troll

O Facebook, you so funny!!!

Not Safe For Stupid People

Not Safe For Stupid People

Don’t give a fuck about Nirvana or whatever, but who the fuck cares about this album cover anymore? I don’t care what your fucking stance is if it has anything to do with putting porn nudity, art nudity, and National fucking Geographic on the same obscene/inappropriate/sexual playing field. If everyone’s seen it, why does anyone still care?Mark Zuckerberg can suck Spencer Elden’s dick, photograph them in action, slap Nirvana Gratest Fucking Hits on the side, and then maybe I’d be okay with not letting that go on Facebook.

But really, I don’t care what goes on Facebook…

… just what get’s commented.

Your Indignation is Excessive and Boring

Who Bitches about the Gorillaz Anyway?

Who Bitches about the Gorillaz Anyway?

Because you should give a fuck and a half about what Hannah Montana sings at her fucking concerts.

Here are some stunning comments from both sides of the dip-shit fence:

“I think no one try to sing it in their homes ’cause a hurricane could kill them MILEY SING IT REALLY GREAT! ”

“Why are you gonna delete hate comments? You against free speech? Bitch.”

If you’re lucky, she’ll do a cover of Practice What You Preach.